Do you know what you’re good at? I mean, how you’re really and truly gifted?

When I was a kid learning basketball, I found a place on the court where I could make basket after basket. My coach called it my “sweet spot.” Do you know what your sweet spot is? That place in life where you shine? Chances are, you have more than one. 

In high school, I remember searching for my sweet spots in hopes that they’d give me a better understanding of who I was. I watched as others found recognition on the field, stage, and even in the classroom. But I had to work my butt off in all of those arenas to even get a spot. So I struggled to know where I fit. What I didn’t realize, is that one of my main sweet spots was something I did everyday. 

It wasn’t until college, that I began to see what I have as a gift. But I did get interesting hints  along the way. One afternoon, I remember sitting outside the auditorium of our high school waiting for drama practice with a new friend. She was a junior and I was a freshman, but that didn’t seem to keep her from telling me all of her boy and friend problems, or ask me for advice. I remember feeling the extreme weight of the gift of her trust. And at the end of our conversation, she said, “You know, you’re really easy to talk to.” 

Then, there was that night my senior year, when one of my advisors from a club I was involved in at school, called my home (this was before cell phones). She had just found out her son was growing pot in their attic. He was coming home soon, and she had to talk to him. She wanted to know what I thought she should do. Again, I realized both the weight and gift of being invited into someone else’s story.

A few months later, early in my freshman year of college, I volunteered at a local church in their youth ministry. It changed the trajectory of my life. For over twelve years, I served in the local church, in youth ministry. For over seven years, it was my full-time job. During that time, a good part of my role was listening to people’s stories and helping them find direction. Not just student’s stories, but also volunteers, twenty-somethings, parents, etc.  

Finally, when I left full time ministry, I began mentoring former students as they graduated high school, started college, and then entered their twenties with all kinds of questions about who they were, what they were good at, and where they were going. After meeting with enough people who were all asking these same questions, I began creating materials to help them on their journey. Around this time, Tony, said to me,

“You should become a life coach. You’re already doing the work.” 

A seed was planted. 

Now, after over a year of planning, creating unique coaching materials, and testing them, my new Life Coaching business is ready for the world. Better stated, it is ready for you, my friends. 

If you’ve been following my writing on, for a while, you know I want to encourage you in every way I can, to live the healthiest, and fullest life you possibly can. Whether in your career, relationships, or creative endeavors, I want to help you love, learn, and lead well. And my new coaching modules are now available to take you even further. 

As you may have noticed, things look a little bit different here on my blog page. Today, as we launch my coaching program, we also launch a new space to encourage you on your journey. Check out my new home and about me pages. And especially check out my new coaching page to find out more about the new services I offer.

If you are still searching to find your sweet spot. Or if you are trying to figure out how to be in your sweet spot more than your current life situation allows, I invite you to check out my new coaching modules. If you need someone to trust with your story—someone who is going to encourage and empower you to move forward in life—it may be time for you and me to meet. 

Do you know what your sweet spot is?

How often are you able to live and work from that spot? 

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