Creating Routines With Your Spouse Step One: Name What Matters

Five years ago, I completed P90X3.  Words, I never thought I’d be able to say, let alone write. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the program, it is an intense at-home workout regimen that has you using muscles you never thought you had. It also requires you to workout six days a week for ninety days straight.  As someone who spent most of her life without a weekly workout routine at all, this accomplishment still feels like nothing short of a miracle. The fact that I was able to commit to such a physically demanding daily routine is [...]

By |2021-06-14T00:30:00+00:00June 14th, 2021|Categories: Habit Making, Marriage, Preparation, Purpose, Relationships, Routines, Success|Comments Off on Creating Routines With Your Spouse Step One: Name What Matters

What To Do When Finding Your Routine Feels Impossible

When I was a teenager, every September, I’d get grumpy. Not because I was upset to be back at school. In fact, if you look at my extracurriculars in High School, you’d see I practically lived there. But each fall, the beginning of a new year was especially difficult for me. (This is where I send a shout out to my mom for loving my teenage self) For almost the entire first month of school, I’d come home every afternoon in a horrible mood. I was exhausted from my day, overwhelmed by homework, and basically hated my life. But then, [...]

By |2020-10-16T14:39:15+00:00October 19th, 2020|Categories: Anxiety, Balance, Change, discipline, Habit Making, Health, Hope, Practice, Purpose, Routines, Self Care|Comments Off on What To Do When Finding Your Routine Feels Impossible

This One Lie is Holding Us Back More Than We Think

It was progress report day, my senior year of high school. After Art, I made my way to my last class, Spanish IV. There, I sat in my usual seat, and laid my books out on my desk. But when our teacher stood up to begin his lecture, a student appeared at the door.  “Mr. M, Mr. C wants to see Melissa, if it’s ok.” At this Mr. M nodded. Then looking at me, he leaned his head towards the door as if to say, ‘you may go.’ I got up from my desk. Then the student added, “He wants [...]

By |2020-03-01T12:26:59+00:00March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Anxiety, Courage, Creativity, Depression, Identity, Purpose|Comments Off on This One Lie is Holding Us Back More Than We Think

Comparison: It’s Not Our Job

Over the past few years, there’s a word that’s been thrown around to describe our generation: Entitled. But I don’t believe our problem is that we think we are owed everything. I think the problem is we compare ourselves to others. Then we worry about what it says about us, if we aren’t in the same place (financially, career-wise, etc.), as everyone else seems to be. I don’t believe our problem is that we think we are owed everything. I think the problem is we compare ourselves to others. Comparison is never about the person we’re focusing on. It’s always [...]

By |2019-10-24T12:42:10+00:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: Anxiety, comparison, Courage, Hope, Mental Health, Purpose, Rejection, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Comparison: It’s Not Our Job

Comparison: The Thief of Joy

“Comparison is the thief of Joy” —Theodore Roosevelt Recently, I was listening to a podcast by a gifted writer who also has a good size social following. At the beginning of the episode, the host/writer shared how fun it has been to see her newest book on the shelves in bookstores. Then she went on to thank her listeners for all the downloads her show had reached. And I hate to admit it, but I began to feel jealous. Now, you may not want to write books or possibly have a podcast someday, like I do. But you do want [...]

By |2019-10-14T15:48:54+00:00October 21st, 2019|Categories: Calling, comparison, perseverance, Purpose, Success, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Comparison: The Thief of Joy

Setting Our Intentions For Fall

Sometimes, the things that seem so simple—or perhaps even, silly—are those we need most to do in life. Brush your teeth. Make your bed. Drink plenty of water. Wash your hands. All of these examples have become obvious necessities in our culture. Yet, with some of them we still struggle. Maybe it’s because we don’t like being told what to do. Maybe it’s that life is too busy to pull the covers over our bed in the morning. Or, who has the time to make sure they’re drinking sixty-four ounces of water a day? Only deep down, we all know [...]

By |2019-08-17T19:54:35+00:00August 26th, 2019|Categories: Balance, Change, Declutter Your Mind, discipline, Habit Making, Preparation, Purpose, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Setting Our Intentions For Fall

Back to Basics (Before the Fall)

Two weeks ago, I ran into Target to pick up a few things. I worked my way through the personal care and grocery sections. Then, as I came around a corner, there it was: the back to school section.  It was only the middle of July, and Target was telling me to get ready for fall. Now, I could go on and on about how stores are always trying to push us into the next season. Putting Christmas candy out the day after Halloween, putting Easter Candy out the day after Valentine’s Day, etc. But when they put up these [...]

By |2019-07-29T19:52:23+00:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: Adulting, Change, Habit Making, Health, Making Decisions, Preparation, Purpose, Routines, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Back to Basics (Before the Fall)

Becoming One With Room For Two

Do you remember the feeling you had when you and your spouse first fell in love? Not just the warm, fuzzy, floating on air stuff, but also the feeling that you couldn’t get enough of each other? It’s almost like taking that first bite into a perfect pizza. It is so delicious, you don’t ever want to stop eating it. Or finding a book you love so much you don’t ever want it to end. Or hitting replay on your new favorite song, believing you’ll never get tired of it.  Except, you have this feeling for a person. A person [...]

Being a Grown-Up

Perhaps I watched too many Disney movies as a kid, but I used to believe that if I did all the right things, my life wouldn’t be hard. As if pain only comes to those who get into trouble. As if struggle is a choice. But then, I found myself pursuing a career with little room for women. I found a lump and thought I might have cancer at twenty-three. When I finally got a job in my career field, I moved to another state and learned that beginning a new life in a new town isn’t so easy. And [...]

By |2019-01-31T22:43:24+00:00February 11th, 2019|Categories: Adulting, Courage, Failure, gratitude, Hope, perseverance, Purpose, Rejection, Success, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Learn: If We Could Do These 5 Things As Adults

Do you want to know what I think is the hardest part of becoming an adult? All of us, every single one of us, has been let down by an adult in our life. Whether we were kids, teens, or even in our twenties or thirties—we know someone older than us who didn’t act the way we thought they should. Who didn’t act the way an adult should.  Very often, it can be tempting to let other’s failures become our excuse for why we aren’t the human beings we should be. How often do we hear people say, “My dad [...]

By |2019-01-31T16:46:33+00:00February 7th, 2019|Categories: Adulting, Calling, Character, Courage, Lead, Leadership, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead, Purpose, Relationships, Success, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Learn: If We Could Do These 5 Things As Adults


I’m a life coach and writer who loves coffee, adventure, and the ocean. I want to live a truly good story, and I want to help you do the same. 


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