Two weeks ago, I ran into Target to pick up a few things. I worked my way through the personal care and grocery sections. Then, as I came around a corner, there it was: the back to school section. 

It was only the middle of July, and Target was telling me to get ready for fall. Now, I could go on and on about how stores are always trying to push us into the next season. Putting Christmas candy out the day after Halloween, putting Easter Candy out the day after Valentine’s Day, etc. But when they put up these super early displays, we buy things. 

As I came around a corner, there it was: the back to school section.

Even though I am not a teacher and I don’t have kids, that day in Target, I still bought two fifty cent notebooks. It’s hard to pass up a deal on something you’re going to buy anyway. And, there is something to be said for being prepared, especially when change is coming. 

As we all know, transitioning from one season to another is hard. It seems we’ve only ever begun to master one weekly routine when it is time to swap it out for another. Life forever feels like a merry-go-round that keeps spinning faster and faster. As the earth rotates the sun, we cycle through the seasons, always trying to catch our breath. Because there is so much more involved than simply changing out the clothes in our closet, changing seasons can be stressful. 

There is something to be said for being prepared, especially when change is coming.

It is already August. Whether we like it or not, fall will be upon us before we know it. Where we may have grown lax in our healthy habits—of getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising—we will soon feel the repercussions. Before we know it, our fall schedules will be in full swing and we’ll be playing catch up. But what if, we could be ready?

What if, rather than rushing head first into fall, like a kid coming off a water slide, we could ease into this transition? We could begin to mentally and physically prepare for what is ahead? And we could even practice some healthy self care?

Before we know it, our fall schedules will be in full swing and we’ll be playing catch up. But what if, we could be ready?

This month, on the blog, I am taking a page out of Target’s play book. No, I am not going to sell you anything. But rather, in the same way they’ve been wanting for weeks to help moms get their kids ready for school, I want to help you get ready for fall. 

Over the next four weeks, we’ll be looking at firming up the foundations of our lives to better transition into the next season. We’ll be proactive when it comes to taking care of our bodies, preparing ourselves mentally for our fall goals, and even letting go of some of the expectations or beliefs that keep us from succeeding. 

But first, I would love to know:

What are you dreading most about fall?

Where do you typically struggle when it comes to transitioning into a new season?

Are you in the midst of making a decision? Contemplating a life change? If so, you may be interested in my FREE Making Changes Checklist that I give to all my email friends. Want your free copy?  subscribe here. 



Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash