When I first became a youth pastor, I felt like what Shonda Rhimes calls the F.O.D.—the “First Only Different.” I was the only female minister in our department. When I went to our network meetings with other youth pastors in the area, again, I was the only woman. And often, the only single person in the meeting. 

Don’t get me wrong, I met and worked with some great guys at those meetings. But, spending two hours of each month listening to men talk about balancing fatherhood with ministry—didn’t exactly help twenty-three-year-old me navigate being a woman in the field. 

I needed someone like me.

Thankfully, God sent me two someone’s. About a year in, two new, single female youth pastors were hired at churches nearby. We were all close in age, and all navigating a career that none of us had seen done by women when we were growing up. For a while we met almost weekly for dinner, and I can’t tell you what a blessing it was to walk with them in that season. 

Important journeys need companions.

It is the same when we pursue the creative life. Though so much of our work is solitary, our creative journey is best when there are people we can learn from and grow with. To help us admit when things are hard, and find ways to persevere when we feel like giving up. 

Though so much of our work is solitary, our creative journey is best when there are people we can learn from and grow with.

When I started blogging, I didn’t know anyone who blogged. It’s possible, you don’t know anyone who is creating at the level you want to create. That is where the beauty of the internet comes in. 

At the beginning of my journey, before I met other writers online, podcasts helped me navigate the ups and downs of the creative life. Today, I want to share with you some of these fantastic podcasts, in hopes they will encourage and inspire you on your creative journey.

Magic Lessons 

Author, Elizabeth Gilbert recorded this two season podcast in celebration of the release of her book, Big Magic—all on overcoming fear on your creative journey. My favorite episode is her interview with Brene Brown which helps us come to terms with any creative wounds we may have, as well as owning our creativity.

Chase Jarvis Live

Photographer, Chase Jarvis, interviews creatives and entrepreneurs from all fields and mediums. In this podcast, you will not only feel less alone on the creative journey, but you will also learn tips and tools to help you along your way. A notable interview to check out is episode 168, where Chase talks to Marie Forleo about her new book Everything is Figuroutable.

The Portfolio Life

In this podcast, host and writer, Jeff Goins, covers a variety of aspects of the creative life through sharing thoughtful personal reflections, useful tips and tools for the journey, as well as interviews with professional creatives. A great recent episode is this one with Chase Jarvis on his book, The Creative Calling.


Every year, a conference is held in Nashville for creatives who want to tell a story—through film, poetry, visual arts, and so much more. It’s called the Story Gathering, and they also have a podcast. With interviews from people who’ve worked in Pixar to those who’ve used creativity to make a difference in our world, STORY proves to be an inspiring listen. Check out this episode with executive coach, Jason Jaggard, on how to break through the boundaries that are holding us back creatively.

The Next Right Thing

Finally, if you could use a weekly encouragement session that will help you make the creative decisions you’ve been putting off—all for under twenty minutes an episode—check out Emily P. Freeman’s The Next Right Thing. Recent episodes I’ve loved are Episode 110 Build for the Years You Can’t See and 117, Don’t Look At The Wall.

Who do you need to be with you on your creative journey?

Whose voice is encouraging you even if you’ve never met them?  

Often, before we create, we need to clear some space for ourselves—not just physically, but mentally too. Sign up for my email list, and get my Five Ways to Declutter Your Mind resource. In it I share five ways to cut through the noise in your life, to find more peace and clarity.