It is the second to last day of January. How did that happen?

I don’t know about you, but 2020 has already thrown me a few surprises. Some good, some really hard, and more than a few I am not ready for—yet here we are. And as much as my planner self hates to admit, there are only a few things we actually have control over in life. 

We can fill out our Start Here: Dream Planners, and come up with brilliant strategies for how we want to approach 2020. But that doesn’t mean everything is going to go to plan. Or that we will be able to do all the big things we want to do in this season. Sometimes, we’ll have to pick and choose.

That is why, this past weekend I shared with my email friends to take the time to pay attention to the season they are in. Some of us may be ready to dream big dreams and go after them. But others of us may need to take small, crucial steps toward the things we want and know are good—then save the big leaps for later. 

So, what is your season telling you?

Whatever it may be, today I want to close out this month of New Year Planning, with a few of my favorite podcast episodes from January. Some are short and perfect for a short drive, others are great for a long walk or run on the treadmill. But I found all offer good wisdom and insight to different aspects of living 2020 to the best of our ability. 

Each title below is linked to the show. Enjoy, and in the comments, tell me what podcasts or books are inspiring you lately!

The Good List: 

“Routine isn’t a Bad Word”—in this episode, host Tsh talks about how to build a morning routine that you will actually enjoy. She gives tangible, doable ideas of what this may look like, as well as tips to make it stick. It’s twelve minutes long and worth the listen.

Out of the Ordinary, 

Episode 58: “A New Year’s No” –This episode it a little longer, but a soulful conversation between the hosts Christy and Lisa Jo, in which they share what they are saying no to in 2020. Their honesty is refreshing and will give you permission to say a few no’s of your own this year.

Rhythms for Life 

“Food That Heals: Dr. Josh Axe”—This interview with Dr. Axe will not only have you thinking differently about what you eat, but also how your emotions play an important role in your health. In the midst of some hefty health information, Dr. Axe also gives some very practical ways to get started on your own health journey if you don’t know where to begin. (Warning this episode is over an hour, but definitely worth your time)

That Sounds Fun 

Episode 195 with Seth Haines—In this episode host Annie talks to author Seth Haines about the things we go to, to numb our feelings (food, drugs, sex, etc.), as well as why there is hope we can all find a better way. As I shared in this post, trying to watch what I eat this month has been hard because I realized I’ve been using food to deal with some hard things in my life. But this episode helped me put things in perspective, and if you are trying to be healthier this year but feel like you’re hitting emotional walls—this is a good listen. 

What is your season telling you?

What are you listening to that is inspiring you on your journey?

Want 2020 to be different? Sign up for my email list, and get my Five Ways to Declutter Your Mind resource. In it I share five ways to cut through the noise in your life, to find more peace and clarity.

Photo by Melanie Pongratz on Unsplash