Underneath the hum of Christmas, some of us hear a whisper. It’s not one we hear in our ears, but rather one spoken to our hearts. Like the unexpected tug of an old memory, it speaks to us in surprising moments. 

When we’re waiting at the stoplight we get caught in every day. When a particular Christmas carol comes on in a store. Or while we’re stringing lights on our tree. This whisper reminds us Christmas transcends all the “more” it has become. 

Sure there is joy in all the cookie baking. We find revelry in the ugly sweater Christmas party. The sight of colorful lights brings a glow to our hearts and faces when we drive down our decorated streets. Hallmark Christmas movies transport us to simpler times. And despite the stress of gift shopping, the idea of playing our family’s Santa is thrilling. 

Only the whisper reminds us that all of these specials things, aren’t as wonderful as what we’re longing for deep inside: a connection with the Holy of this holiday. Songs like What Child Is This and O Holy Night remind us that there was a moment where God came close. A split second where He went from being the Great Unknown to being God-With-Us. 

…all of these specials things, aren’t as wonderful as what we’re longing for deep inside: a connection with the Holy of this holiday.

But because of our choices, life circumstances, or the choices of others, He hasn’t felt with us in a very long time. Maybe life has felt too busy, too crowded to make room for a God who feels distant. Maybe old wounds make it hard for us to believe. Maybe the only place we used to sense Him was a building we haven’t been to in years. 

Whatever holds Faith and Jesus at bay throughout the year, falls away a little this season. So, if we’re paying attention. If our hearts get quiet enough in those small moments in the car or by the tree, we will hear it. 

This whisper to seek the Divine. 

Doubt will try to shake it off. Pain may try to drown it out with carols or cocktails. And shame will tell us God has no place for us. 

…there was a moment where God came close. A split second where He went from being the Great Unknown to being God-With-Us.

Only this whisper is not our own. Though it may join with the longing of our hearts to be held close by Love, it does not originate with us. We are not the Whisperers. 

He is the great Whisperer.

He is calling to our hearts. Even if it has been a long time. Even if we’re not sure we believe all we’ve been told before. 

He is calling to you.

He is calling to me.

Whispering to us of a Christmas that doesn’t have to end at midnight on the twenty-fifth. Reminding us—or telling us for the first time—of a God-With-Us relationship that hasn’t abandoned us the way we believe. Or perhaps, the way we feel we’ve abandoned Him. 

He is calling you.

If you hear His whisper this season, make room. Don’t be afraid to let Him in. He is inviting you to come in close. 

Do you hear the whisper?

Do you believe God wants to be God-With-You?

“That is always the secret to the abundant life: to believe that God is where you doubt He can be.”

—Ann Voscamp, The Greatest Gift


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