Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to read all the books you want to read? Or to learn all the things you want to learn? I feel that way more times than I can count. That is why I love podcasts.

Podcasts can give you twenty to sixty minutes of good information right in your ears as you drive to the grocery store, fold laundry, or workout in the gym. Sometimes, the people being interviewed are the authors of the books we want to read. And we can learn some great stuff even if we don’t get around to reading their latest book when everyone else does. 

Today, I am sharing three podcast episodes that have helped me feel inspired and energized as we enter the New Year. If you’re looking for some encouragement or wisdom, check them out. And if you’ve listened to or read anything lately that has inspired you, I would love to hear about it. So feel free to comment below!

Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis

Episode 75: Daily Habits that Change the Game with Brendon Burchard

In this episode, Rachel interviews the author of High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard. Brendon shares so many good things about habits in this episode. One of my favorite things he says is that we should never make New Year’s resolutions to fix something. When we do this, he says, we begin the year feeling bad about ourselves which doesn’t set us up for success. 

Going Scared with Jessica Honegger

Episode 44: Gretchen Rubin

What I love about this episode is that Happiness Expert, Gretchen Rubin goes through her four tendencies—the four possible ways we handle the expectations of others—and talks about how they effect our ability to successfully form healthy habits in our lives. She offers a new way of implementing lifestyle changes that enables us to tailor them to fit our personalities. Some, that kind of blew my mind.

For the Love Podcast with Jen Hatmaker

Undoing the Shame of Our Body Image Struggles: Hillary McBride

This episode may be more for us ladies, but if losing weight was one thing you want to do in 2019, this is an important listen. So many of us believe that the equation to loving ourselves requires subtracting our body weight, when body shame goes so much deeper. Hillary unpacks how culture has shaped our body image, and the work we need to do to find peace. 

What podcasts have inspired you lately?

What is one thing you’re learning about New Years Resolutions and starting the year strong?

Would you like a little help in planning out your goals for 2019? Join Tony and I, and plan your year with the help of our Start Here: Dream Planner. Sign up today, for your free copy!