“I went here and there and everywhere in search of my ‘calling,’ proving that this process is anything but a perfectly straight line, where one point leads predictably to the next. And while I don’t begrudge any of the wild experiences I’ve had along the way, for the simple fact that each of them taught me something I didn’t yet know, I wish I’d been able to embrace my own unique journey and avoid the bait of a you-should-do-this sort of life.”

—Jessica Honegger, Imperfect Courage

When I was a kid and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, it felt like they were asking what flavor ice cream I wanted to eat. As if there were a bunch of cool choices, and all you had to do was just pick. But if you’ve gone through college and at least your early twenties, you know—there is nothing easy about finding your life path. 

For those of us who also want to better understand our life purpose, to integrate it into our lives, this journey is even more complex. Our calling isn’t something we choose. Rather it is the thing inside us waiting to come out. Our responsibility is to figure out what it is and how to express it in the world. And as you might have guessed, it is not a once and done kind of deal.

For all of us, coming to a better understanding of our Calling is a process. But, it doesn’t always have to be as convoluted as the founder and CEO of Noonday Collection, Jessica describes. If, as she says, we are able to embrace our own story—and refrain from taking everyone’s advice around us—it doesn’t have to be so confusing. 

Not only that, but there are very tangible things we can do, to help us name the thing that will make our hearts beat faster. The thing we feel born to do. And the thing that will make our lives both more joyful and meaningful.

Today, I want to share with you five things that have helped me discover and live into my calling in powerful ways. They all require time and a little bit of courage—but I promise you, they are simpler than you think. 


Volunteering is a great way to experiment with a field you’re interested in, before going to school for it. When I was in college, I volunteered at a church, and it changed my life. Recently, I heard wedding photographer, Jasmine Star, talk about how when she started out, she volunteered to carry equipment for other photographers. This not only confirmed her desire to be a photographer, but also taught her things she couldn’t have learned in a book. Even if the field you’re interested in doesn’t seem to lend itself to volunteering, get in touch with someone doing what you want to do and ask if you can shadow them for a day. You never know what you’ll discover.

Try new things

As I shared Monday, our callings transcend occupation—which means there are probably a million ways you and I can live out our calling. It’s just a matter of being willing to try new things. Pay attention to what you’re curious about, and then seek out opportunities to volunteer, take a class, or try out the thing you keep thinking about.

Pay Attention

As you volunteer, try new things, and live your everyday life, pay attention to what brings you joy. Or the ways you bring joy to others. Grab a notebook and write these things down. Overtime, chances are you will begin to see a pattern emerge that will help you name your purpose in this world. 

Talk To Your People

Our families and best friends, often notice what we’re good at and passionate about before we do. Ask a few of your closest people what they feel you’re most gifted in. Then write their words down. See what is repeated in these conversations. Ask yourself if they resonate with you, or even create some sense of affirmation. If so, you might have found a few more clues to lead you in the right direction.

Get a coach/mentor

Sometimes we need someone outside of our lives to help draw out what is inside of us. A mentor or life coach will walk alongside you in this journey, and ask you intentional questions to help you find the answers you’re looking for. Your journey to discovering your purpose is important not just for you, but also for the world who needs you. You don’t have to go it alone. 

What things have helped you understand your calling?

What could you do to deepen that understanding?

Have I told you that I offer an eight week coaching module to help people not only discover their calling, but also better understand their identity and career path as well? For more information, click here.


Are you in the midst of making a hard decision? Contemplating a big life change? If so, you may be interested in my FREE Making Changes Checklist that I give to all my email friends. Want your free copy?  subscribe here.