
Is It Possible To Find Career Contentment?

The signs are everywhere. They’re in the window of your favorite coffee shop. They’re stuck in the ground outside the local car dealer. And before you even get to the produce section of your grocery store, it’s a stanchion sign that reads: “Join Our Team.”  Then, in bigger letters, “Now Hiring.” If you need a job right now—any job to help you pay the bills—it shouldn’t be hard to find one. Only, our generation doesn’t want just any job. In fact, the pandemic has made this clearer to us than ever. All our time in lock down and, for some [...]

By |October 18th, 2021|

My Fall Bucket List & How Fall Helped Me Find Contentment

For as long as I can remember, fall has been my favorite season. It has the perfect weather to wear a sweater, but not need a jacket. To drink a hot, fall flavored latte without overheating. And to turn on the oven, and bake a pie. But ten years ago, Tony and I entered into a difficult life season, and fall became even more dear to me.  Fall has the perfect weather to wear a sweater, but not need a jacket. To drink a hot, fall flavored latte without overheating. And to turn on the oven, and bake a pie. [...]

By |October 14th, 2021|

One Surprising Step in Finding Contentment

“So, is it possible to get to the point where I am ok being single?” Over the tops of our Starbucks coffees, she looked me straight in the eye and I couldn’t lie to her. Not that I wanted to. It’s just, as a mentor whose job it is to encourage, it can be difficult to speak the truth when it’s discouraging. “It may be. But it’s also possible you will always want a relationship until you have one. I know for me, as hard as I tried, the wanting never went away.” I replied, hoping my words didn’t sound [...]

By |October 11th, 2021|

How Do We Find Contentment—in All of This?

As I write this, a big red truck is beeping outside my window. The sound of grinding pavement can be heard in the distance. It’s not the perfect soundtrack for writing, but here I am. For almost six months now, our city has been digging up the streets around our house to replace our gas lines. And even though today there’s the promise of new pavement, believing it will all be over soon, is difficult. There’s been too many weeks of “no parking” signs posted on our sidewalks. Too many days of circling the block trying to find our way [...]

By |October 4th, 2021|

What to do When Finding Your Routine Feels Impossible (repost)

I first shared this post last October, but I am sharing it again as it feels like a needed yearly reminder to ourselves as we begin fall.  When I was a teenager, every September, I’d get grumpy. Not because I was upset to be back at school. In fact, if you look at my extracurriculars in High School, you’d see I practically lived there. But each fall, the beginning of a new year was especially difficult for me. For almost the entire first month of school, I’d come home every afternoon in a horrible mood. I was exhausted from my [...]

By |September 27th, 2021|

When You Feel Behind & It’s Already Fall

In January, when we were all praying this year would be better, I committed to practicing yoga at least three times a week. I needed a physical way to release all the stress my body was carrying—but also, I was out of shape. And rather than begin with an intense exercise regimen that may be hard to maintain, I decided to slowly build back the strength I had lost in 2020. Soon, yoga became a morning routine I looked forward to. It helped me start my days with purpose. Emotionally, I was calmer. And the more I practiced, the stronger [...]

By |September 20th, 2021|

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I’m a life coach and writer who loves coffee, adventure, and the ocean. I want to live a truly good story, and I want to help you do the same. 


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