About Melissa Schlies

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So far Melissa Schlies has created 181 blog entries.

    Love Learn Lead March 1, 2018

    Maybe being a writer makes me a little biased, but I think as human beings, we have a thing for stories. How else could we explain our need to binge watch TV shows? Or why we wait in long lines when our favorite books are turned into movies? More than any of these though, the thing that has convinced me of this, is my years speaking to teenagers. Every Sunday morning for over seven years, I used to give a message to seventh and eighth graders. Often, I’d look out into their young faces to find them sleeping, texting, or [...]

    By |2018-07-17T00:49:43+00:00March 1st, 2018|Categories: Lead, Leadership Tip, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead, Purpose, Story|Comments Off on Love Learn Lead March 1, 2018

      Leaving Home

      Out of all the relationships we have in our life, our family ones are typically the strongest. For good or bad, they are the people who have the power to impact our lives the most. After all, they are the first people to tell us where to be strong and when to be afraid. To tell us whether the world is a friendly or fearful place. More than anything though, They are the first people to tell us who we are. Only at some point, we have to learn all of these things for ourselves. We have to take what [...]

      By |2018-07-17T00:53:19+00:00February 26th, 2018|Categories: Character, Courage, Fear, Freedom, Identity, Relationships|6 Comments

        Leadership in a Healthy Relationship

        There are times in life, where we’d all rather not be the leader. These moments are the hard ones, where everything is on the line. When we’d be more comfortable with someone else making the decision, because if things go wrong, we won’t be to blame. It’s in the hardest of these moments where both people in a dating or marriage relationship don’t want to lead. Where, no matter what they believe about man’s role vs woman’s role, both would be more comfortable if the other made the decision. Yet it is in these very moments where both people need [...]

        By |2018-07-17T00:57:26+00:00February 22nd, 2018|Categories: Health, Lead, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead, Marriage, Relationships|Comments Off on Leadership in a Healthy Relationship

          Who’s In Charge?

          When it comes to love, romance, and relationships, leadership is often only thought of in terms of initiation. In other words, “Who asked Who.” Or, as I have heard many girls say, “Why won’t he ask me out?” “Why won’t more guys step up and ask girls out?” Proving that there are some patriarchal roots that even us ladies have a hard time letting go of. That there is something to be said for a man pursuing the woman he loves. But, after the first dance, the first date, and for some of us, even after the man gets down [...]

          By |2018-07-17T01:00:22+00:00February 19th, 2018|Categories: Leadership Tip, Marriage, Relationships|4 Comments

            Love Learn Lead February 15, 2018

            When I was a kid, the thing I remember wanting more than anything else in the world, was a best friend. I really don’t know why this was such a big desire. It could have been that I was homeschooled for a little while, so meeting new friends was rare. But I have these memories of meeting new little girls, and wondering, “Is she going to be my best friend?” Perhaps, I also watched a bit too much of Anne of Green Gables. Only, this desire to have a friend who knew and understood me, didn’t go away with adolescence. [...]

            By |2018-07-17T01:03:56+00:00February 15th, 2018|Categories: Friendship, Good Books, Lead, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead|Comments Off on Love Learn Lead February 15, 2018

              Friendships Don’t Come Easy

              One of my favorite authors, Shauna Niequist, says friendships are like breakfast. We think we can skip them; only if we do, we feel depleted and cranky without them. Friendships have a way of feeding our souls that other relationships can’t. They make us feel seen and understood. And in a world where it’s easy to feel lonely, they keep us company. Only good friendships don’t come easy. When I decided to spend this month talking about more than just romantic relationships, friendship seemed like an obvious topic. But I wanted to avoid it. Because the truth is, I feel [...]

              By |2018-07-17T01:06:37+00:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: Change, Friendship|16 Comments

                Learn: How to Find a Mentor

                On Monday, I shared that mentors have made a big impact on my journey as a person and as a leader. But often, when I talk about having mentors, people express wanting to be mentored but not knowing how to get one. Or, they are under the impression that a mentor usually pursues you, which is rarely the case. The good news though, is that finding a mentor, is really not as difficult as it seems. Yes, it does involve putting ourselves out there. And it requires asking another person for help—often, a person we don’t know well. But its [...]

                By |2018-07-17T01:09:12+00:00February 8th, 2018|Categories: Change, Health, Lead, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead, Mentoring, Success|Comments Off on Learn: How to Find a Mentor

                  Reaching Ahead, Reaching Behind

                  A couple of weeks ago, when Tony and I were in the thick of our 21 Day Challenge, I went food shopping. Armed with my shopping list and grocery bag, I went into Aldi looking for avocados and cucumbers. Only, standing in the middle of the produce section, all of a sudden, I saw the blur of a brown winter coat, as two arms encircled me in a hug. I looked up startled to see the smiling face of Vicki, one my friends. Only she is not just a friend, she is a person who has helped me wrestle through [...]

                  By |2018-07-17T01:11:05+00:00February 5th, 2018|Categories: Mentoring, Routines|4 Comments

                    Love Learn Lead February 1, 2018

                    If January is the month of resolutions, February is the month of love. To the chagrin of single people everywhere, for at least the first half of this month, advertisements will repetitively remind us Valentine’s Day is on it’s way. Though I am married now, I still have spent about as much of my adulthood single, and I can tell you there is no joy in having a holiday remind us of our relationship status, or lack there of. As the years have gone by, I have begun to wish Valentine’s Day celebrated all of the loving relationships in our [...]

                    By |2018-07-17T01:13:43+00:00February 1st, 2018|Categories: Lead, Learn, Love, Love Learn Lead|Comments Off on Love Learn Lead February 1, 2018

                      If The Shoe Fits

                      Before I officially begin today’s post, I have to confess I have never been super into fashion. Through most of high school, I wore big baggy shirts with jeans. In college, I wasn’t much better. And makeup, until my mid-twenties, was always touch and go. I have always believed that what is most important about a person is what is on the inside. But recently, a podcast I listened to got me thinking about the importance of what we wear, so here we go: The guest on the episode I was listening to that day, was a personal stylist. During [...]

                      By |2018-07-17T01:16:39+00:00January 29th, 2018|Categories: Character, Courage, Faith, Identity, Success|Comments Off on If The Shoe Fits

                      ABOUT ME

                      I’m a life coach and writer who loves coffee, adventure, and the ocean. I want to live a truly good story, and I want to help you do the same. 

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