Ever notice how the most healthy life practices, are often the hardest for us to do? Like keeping a regular exercise routine, taking time to rest, or sticking to a healthy diet. For some reason, these actions that seem like they should come naturally, are usually the ones we must fight to maintain. As if there is something in us—or in the world around us—trying to keep us off track. 

The same can be said for our schedules.

Often at the root of struggling to live a healthy life style, is all the things competing for our time. Our job or school responsibilities, that club or organization we’ve been asked to join, finding time to be with our friends and family—all have good reason to want a portion of our week. Only, very few of us have been taught it’s ok to say, “No.” So our “on” time in our schedule, regularly outweighs our down time. And in the chaos, we forget to

Step back.

To take a moment every now and then to look at the big picture of our lives. To gain the perspective we need to confidently move forward in the direction of our dreams or calling. And most importantly, to release ourselves from the expectations of others that we were never meant to fill. 

Recently, I heard one of my favorite podcasters share something interesting about stepping back. She said she’d heard a very successful businessman talk about how he changed his life after his marriage almost ended due to working too much. In his talk, he outlined how he reshaped his schedule, and his life. 

Now, he only works forty hours a week, and takes a complete twenty-four hours off weekly (including no social media). And he’s discovered that he is actually more productive than he ever was before. But then she said he used this one word to describe how he deals with big decisions. He says, he goes “neutral.” 

Whenever he is asked to be on the board of something, or he sells a company and has to decide what to do with the profits—he goes “neutral.” Rather than letting the pressure of an opportunity or the success of a sale pressure him into action, he steps back. He separates himself from the situation long enough to come back with a clear and healthy perspective. 

For many of us, our greatest fear of stepping back, is that when we step back in, we’ll have missed our opportunity. Worse, that there will be nothing for us to step back into, when we’re ready. But here is this man, on the top of his game, and he is saying that he is more successful when he is not allowing fear or emotions to keep him in constant action. It feels like an example we should follow. 

So, as we close out our Step Back September, I want to share with you a few ways I go “neutral” in my life. No matter how crazy your month has been, it’s not too late for you to take some time in you week to step back. To rediscover or affirm what is most important for you this season. Here are a few of the ways I step back, in hopes of inspiring you to find out what going neutral looks like for you:

I go for a walk or hike.

Being outside has a proven ability to calm our senses. Walking or exercise enables me to burn off whatever stress or anxiety I am feeling physically. And both get me out of my surroundings which help me begin to see the bigger picture.

I journal and pray.

This one is not for everyone, but I know when I write down ALL I am feeling, I begin to feel better. Then, I am able to get quiet and pray for God to give me perspective.

I do something else.

Sometimes, we need to forget about our lives for an hour or two (sometimes even a week), to turn off all the thoughts. For me this often looks like reading a fun fiction book, scrap booking, seeing friends, or taking a day trip with Tony. This gives my brain time to relax and come back with new and creative thoughts regarding my situation.

How do you go “neutral?”

When was the last time you took a step back? 


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