“Wouldn’t it be cool if…”
We’ve all thought. Sometimes, we’ve even said it out loud.
Only often, we’ve followed our BIG, wonderful words with “But…”
Then a slew of reasons for why our epiphany, idea, or dream just couldn’t possibly work, fill our mind. Or, they pour out of the mouths of those around us. It’s always easier to doubt. Count the cost, measure the risk, and feel we’re coming up short. Only lately, I have been wondering about all the promising ideas we’ve let go by the wayside.
Because we didn’t believe in them enough.
They seemed like too much work. Or worse,
We didn’t believe in ourselves.
In case you couldn’t tell, today I want to talk about Fear. So many of us are prone to it, and almost just as many of us are predisposed to it’s often present sibling, Anxiety. Growing up, I knew it as Worry, and it permeated many of the circles I ran in. It permeated me. Not only did it effect how I felt on a daily basis, it also effected the way I thought.
Fear tells us we weren’t picked for greatness. Anxiety whispers something bad would happen, and we couldn’t handle the pressure. Worry tells us, there’s just no way. So we shrink back. Put our ideas in the kitchen drawer of our minds, shut it, and forget about it.
For much of my life I did this. I told myself my dreams were just that—dreams. This thinking didn’t only effect my decisions though, it also impacted the types of people I allowed into my life. The kinds of people I let tell me who I was and what I could be. Turns out, according to them, my options were very safe, and very small.
Finally, when I began to feel as if my world was getting too cramped, I broke free. God helped me escape. Then for a few years, I wrestled through each small belief that fear and anxiety had me believing. Thanks to a few wonderful friends, I started reading fantastic books and blogs by some really incredible people (many of them, women). I followed them on social media, and saw them speak online and in person. And one of the first things I noticed about them was,
They are BRAVE.
They don’t believe in small stories. Though we believe in the same BIG God, they don’t believe He only has small things for them to do. Rather, they have faith that He has BIG* things for them, because He is BIG. Why would He want anything else?
“Who we listen to and who we let speak into our lives is incredibly important.”
As I have followed these powerhouse leaders, continued to build relationships with some phenomenal women in my real life, and sought after God’s will for me—I’ve begun to notice something. I’m becoming Second Hand Brave. My thoughts about what is possible in my life are changing. I am taking risks I wouldn’t have ever taken ten years ago. I am dreaming exciting dreams, and taking steps toward them.
No, I haven’t forgotten about the risks. Yes, life is still hard. Yes, I might fail. But I am no longer listening to the beliefs that say we’re called to live small, safe lives. Rather, I’m leaning into the doubts and challenges, to find out what is possible. And I am learning that who we listen to and who we let speak into our lives is incredibly important.
Following and being in relationship with these leaders, is teaching me the importance of being with people who make us brave. Rather, than stagnating with people who play it safe. When someone goes after their dreams, they inspire others to do the same. They become Second Hand Brave. Eventually, this bravery becomes their own, and they go on to inspire others.
Right now, as I said, I am Second Hand Brave. The bravery of others is spurring me on as I am currently taking some courageous steps. Yet day by day, I am beginning to feel brave all on my own (with Jesus, of course). And I pray that someday soon, I will spread some Second Hand Bravery of my own.
Today though, I want to ask you,
what ideas or dreams have you put away in the back of your mind?
Then, I want to encourage you to look at your company.
Look at the people you listen to in your life. Are they inspiring you to be brave?
*Let me just add “BIG” often doesn’t mean rich or famous. There are so many awesome ways to be brave and to do BIG things in our world, without having an enormous social media following or lots of money.
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I really like your perspective on second hand bravery….I’ve never thought of that before!
thanks, Eileen, and thanks for reading!
I love the idea of second hand bravery! What a beautiful concept. So encouraging to me as I’m trying to take more risks and do hard, good, uncomfortable things that I believe God is calling me to do. Thanks for sharing!
So glad, Lindsay! Keep being brave!
I like that you gave the disclaimer about rich and famous. Big can sometimes look very different from God’s perspective!
So true, Heather!