About a month into my freshman year of college, I was recruited by a local youth pastor to volunteer in his youth ministry. Two months later, after I fell in love with the students and was invested in the program, he announced he was leaving. Suddenly, my volunteer role began to get a whole lot bigger. 

There are times, you don’t see change coming.

Whether good or bad, it seems to fall out of the air and land right in front of you, interrupting your path. At times, altering it forever. Thankfully though, this isn’t the only way change occurs in our lives.

Some changes seem to whisper they’re on their way. 

For days, weeks, months, or even years there are hints, signposts, conversations, or even desires within our hearts that begin to point us in a new direction. When I began to feel it was time for me to leave full-time ministry, there was this knowing in my heart that seemed to grow for months before I finally let go, and made the change. 

Change rarely arrives the way we expect or want.

Yet often, even if it means giving something up, it is worth it. By its very definition growth is change. And as I heard someone once say, if you’re not growing, you’re not living. There are times we must give up something we love, in order to make room for something that will bring more life into our world. 

By its very definition growth is change. And…if you’re not growing, you’re not living.

Recently, I’ve been feeling the truth of this more than ever. I’ve been sensing change is leaving me hints and signposts that I need to pursue. It’s given me nothing concrete yet. But I am feeling led to let some things go, in order to make room for what could be. 

One of those things, is my Thursday blog posts. 

For a while I’ve been having new thoughts and ideas of how to serve and connect with you all better than I can in this space. Only, if I am using my creative energy on the blog, I may not be able to bring these things into fruition the way I want to. So for the immediate future, I will continue to post on Monday’s and send out my regular emails to my subscribers. 

If you haven’t subscribed to my emails yet, but will miss my Thursday posts, I encourage you to sign up here, for my bimonthly emails in which I share two bonus posts and extra content each month. My emails will also be the place where I first announce any new endeavors for sharing my writing and creative content in new mediums. 

I have loved being on this journey with you these past four years, and now I am looking forward to seeing how it may grow in new ways. 

What changes have you experienced this year?

What changes are you beginning to see hints and signposts for, in your own life?

Have you too, struggled with finding focus since the Pandemic? Are you having a hard time feeling productive because you feel mentally exhausted? Sign up for my email list today, and receive a free copy of my Six Ways to Find Focus in a Pandemic. It will help you find your footing again.

Photo by Laesa D on Unsplash