“When we feel like there isn’t enough time in the day for us to get everything done, when we wish for more time, we don’t actually need more time. We need more stillness.”

—Christine Carter

One of the scariest things to do, when we feel stressed, is to stop. To put down what we’re doing, and to cease our productivity. Only sometimes, what we need more than anything, seems to be the most counterintuitive:

We need to take a break.

Unfortunately, last week, I was reminded of this truth in one of the most inconvenient—yet effective ways: I pulled my back out. While doing a simple household task, I bent over, only to stand back up with the worst back spasms I’ve ever had. 

In a matter of minutes, I was sitting on the floor unable to move.

Like in the cartoons, I saw stars. I clung to the wall beside me as I started to black out. And in a matter of minutes, I was sitting on the floor unable to move. 

Of course, because these situations always have the best timing, that day, Tony and I were preparing for our trip this week. A few days later we were supposed to be driving, in the car, for hours on end. Only, in that moment, I didn’t even know how I was going to get to the bathroom four feet away. I had a bunch of things on my “to do” list, but 

I was stuck.

Stillness was no longer an impossible dream, rather a necessity. Each movement I made was agonizing. Ice and ibuprofen did nothing. Until we were able to get a doctor online to talk to me (one of the benefits of technology), and prescribe medication, going forward with our trip felt hopeless. 

Only, as my amazing husband ran to the pharmacy for said medication and another ice pack, I was able to do something I hadn’t been able to do guiltless in a while: I read a book. Without thinking of all the million things I should be doing, I allowed myself to get caught up in the story. This not only distracted me from the pain, but it also began to still my soul.

Over the next two days, my to-do list went out the window. In between resting and icing my back, I did things like journal, sew, and watch Netflix. I finished reading my book and started another. All while being reminded that our bodies shouldn’t have to give out on us, in order for us to pay attention and give ourselves the rest we so badly need. 

Our bodies shouldn’t have to give out on us, in order for us to pay attention and give ourselves the rest we so badly need.

Friends, I know I have said this a lot, but we are in an extremely difficult season. One in which we can’t see an end. But we’re not going to make it, if we keep pushing ourselves the way I did two weeks ago. The way so many of us are these days.

We need to rest.

We need to find moments of stillness before they are forced upon us. Even if only for a short period of time each day, we need to take care of ourselves, so we can continue to do the important work we’re called to do around us.

Where are you feeling the most tired (physically, mentally, spiritually)? 

What does it look like for you to find stillness and rest?

Have you too, struggled with finding focus since the Pandemic? Are you having a hard time feeling productive because you feel mentally exhausted? Sign up for my email list today, and receive a free copy of my Six Ways to Find Focus in a Pandemic. It will help you find your footing again.