“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.”

—G. K. Chesterton

Today, in the US, we celebrate all those who have given their lives for our country. Namely, we honor all the men and women in our military who bravely fought to protect us, and never came home. However, this year, our country has fought a war unlike anything our generation has ever known.

This year, war has come right up to our doorstep.

The enemy, unseen, has inflicted our most vulnerable. It’s infiltrated our most protected spaces. It’s put a halt to many of our normal, everyday activities.

While daily the nurses, doctors, and medical staff of our hospitals have suited up in the only armor available. They’ve gone into battle to fight for the lives of our loved ones. And in these battles, for some, the lives they lost were their own.

As we get ready to celebrate this day with backyard cookouts or social distancing picnics, may we take a moment to remember all of our fallen heroes. Those who have fought overseas, and those that have fought here at home.

May we say a prayer for their families.

May we thank God for their sacrifice.

And may we never take all we have, for granted.




Photo by Cara Grobbelaar on Unsplash