They say, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. 

Right now, we’re all feeling the truth of this statement in a way we’ve never experienced before. It’s amazing how much of our lives have changed in such a short period of time. Not only has the pandemic caused us to give up the majority of our social interaction for the foreseeable future, but it has also cost us many of the crucial components of our everyday lives.

We’ve had to say a lot of goodbyes.

Some forever, and some for an unknown amount of time. Some as simple as having to cancel events or trips we’ve been planning for months. And others as scary and serious as people being laid off from their jobs. 

All meetings, business or otherwise, have become virtual. Running out to meet a friend for coffee, feels like a long lost luxury. And,

We’re only two weeks in.

None of us know how long this will last. Not only that, but our whole world has changed, which means if you’re still figuring out how to adapt, you’re not alone. We are all scrambling on some level to find our footing. We all have concerns over what our future will look like. And, as my sister who manages a grocery store told me,

We’re all in this together.

During this time, we need to help each other as much as we can. We need to reach out to our friends and family over FaceTime. Donate to or support local food banks and businesses. Pray for those working in our hospitals and leading our country. And, even share what we’re learning about our strange, new normal. 

If you’re still figuring out how to adapt, you’re not alone.

That is why today, I want to share some of the wisdom I have learned about creating routines in unexpected circumstances. As many of you know, eight years ago, I left my career in ministry without having a plan for what I was going to do next. I took some time off, and it was through learning about and implementing simple routines in my life that I found my way through.

So many of us feel like we’re walking through an unending patch of fog right now. We can’t see what is ahead and we’re not sure how to make the most of all this time at home. That is why I’ve created a free new resource—The Social Distancing Survival Guide: Everyday Routines. 

In this guide, I share numerous, doable tasks that we can do each day to continue to fulfill our responsibilities, grow our relationships, and even restore ourselves in this time of great stress. Then, I give you a framework for how to make these tasks a part of your everyday routine.

Sign Up For Your Free Social Distancing Survival Guide

Friends, we have no idea what the future will bring. But deep down inside we all know that an important piece in making it through, is by being here for each other. Sign up for my email list, receive your free copy of my Social Distancing Survival Guide, and discover how it may help you show up in your life in this season.

Who or what is helping you most through this difficult time?

What resources can you share to help others?