The few days right after New Years are always interesting. Like geese migrating with the change of a season, some of us flock to the nearest gym, where every treadmill or elliptical machine is taken. While others of us suffer through what I like to call the Holiday Hangover. 

It’s that exhausted, “What just happened” feeling we get when the alarm goes off for our first day back at work. Or, getting back into our pajamas as soon as we come home from said job, because we just can’t. And sometimes, if we’re truly unlucky, the Holiday Hangover includes  flu and cold symptoms. (I don’t know about you, but it’s rare for me to travel around the Holidays and not get sick)

It’s always struck me as poor planning that the majority of our holidays fall right before the New Year.

It’s always struck me as poor planning that the majority of our holidays fall right before the New Year. We celebrate hard for five to six weeks, then expect ourselves to turn on a dime. To all of a sudden go to the gym six days a week like nothing happened. Or even simply, have energy at all to “begin the year strong”—at work, home, etc. When in reality,

All of us need a moment.

Yes, some of us are able to rest some between Christmas and New Years. But not always, and not always in a way that is truly restorative. If it was up to me, we’d all get a month after Christmas to hibernate before the New Year officially begins. 

Yet here we are friends. It’s 2020.

Whether it has come in softly or with a bang, a new year has begun. And while some of us treat this time of year as merely “business as usual,” there are others of us who want the New Year to mark a moment of change. We want this year to be different. We want to live our lives with intention. We want what we do to matter. And we want the dreams of our hearts to become real, rather than turn into regrets later on. 

We want this year to be different…We want the dreams of our hearts to become real, rather than turn into regrets later on.

Only, we all know that intentional, meaningful, dream-chasing living is hard work. Sometimes, it is overwhelming. And many times, we don’t know where to start. 

That is why, last year, I created the Start Here: Dream Planner.

It is a tool to help us thoughtfully plan out the year ahead. A guide that helps us name all the good things we want to do in the new year, then create tangible, doable steps to make them a reality. But even more than that, the Start Here: Dream Planner is also a place to write down our dreams for where we’d like to be in five and ten years. It enables us to look at the big picture of our lives, then to see what we need to do now, in 2020, to lead us to where we want to be in 2025, and even 2030. But here’s the best part:

The Start Here: Dream Planner is free!

For subscribing to my email list this month, this resource will be delivered directly to your inbox. And it is available today! So, as we are still mere hours into 2020, sign up for this year’s Start Here: Dream Planner, and start dreaming and planning for the year ahead. 

Stay tuned for the Start Here Dream Planner 2021

What are your dreams for 2020? For 2025? Or even, 2030?

What tools or steps do you need to help you get to where you want to be? 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash