It’s June, can you believe it? In three weeks, summer officially begins. But if you live in a similar climate as I do, here in Pennsylvania, you know the best weather of the year is happening right now. The humidity hasn’t set in yet, the mornings are cool, and the temperature hits a pleasant seventy degrees somewhere in the middle of the day. 

There is something life giving about coming through the cold of winter and the rains of spring, and stepping into the warm, bright days of summer. The days are longer, meaning it is easier to get up in the morning because the sun is already shining. While it is also tempting to stay out longer at night. Why go to bed if the sun isn’t either?

What a gift it is that seasons change. 

Their very rhythm reminds us that the dark life seasons we may now be in, are just that—a season. They will pass. We will make it through them, just as we’ve made it through some of the worst winters. All of life is about birth, growth, death, and even, birth again. In this we can find hope, even when nothing in our life looks hopeful. 

The dark life seasons we may now be in, are just that—a season. They will pass. We will make it through them, just as we’ve made it through some of the worst winters.

New seasons mean new possibilities. New opportunities, to grow, connect, and to even plant new seeds of friendship or change. Seeds that may seem so small and inconsequential right now, but could grow to become big trees in our lives where we can rest in their shade. 

You never know what could begin in your life in this season.

Six months ago now, many of us filled out my Start Here Dream Planner. It’s a tool to help you thoughtfully plan out your year so that it aligns with your goals and values. If you filled it out, now may be a good time to pull it out again to see if you want to make any tweaks or adjustments. But even if you didn’t, June is the perfect time to thoughtfully think through how you want to spend your summer.

As with each season, summer gives us unique opportunities. The longer days and beautiful weather gives us more time to pursue our outside or active interests. Even if we’re indoor people, having the windows open can bring us a new sense of refreshment. Also, summer is a great season to take time off or invite friends over for a cook out. 

Summer gives us a choice: Are we going to plan our schedule down to the minute? Or are we going to leave room for spontaneity and rest?

But at the same time, as with every season, summer also gives us a choice: Are we going to plan our schedule down to the minute? Or are we going to leave room for spontaneity and rest? How we make this decision will greatly impact how we feel both physically and emotionally, going into the fall. Though we all have responsibilities that can’t be postponed, we have to embrace the permission to be flexible with those that can. 

This month, on the blog, we will be talking about all things summer. I will be sharing books, travel tips, and so much more—in hopes of helping you make the most of this season. But the most important part is up to you. How you answer these two questions below, will greatly determine your mindset for the next three months:

What do you want your summer to look like?

What can you let go of or postpone to make it that way?

Are you in the midst of making a decision? Contemplating a life change? If so, you may be interested in my FREE Making Changes Checklist that I give to all my email friends. Want your free copy?  subscribe here.


Photo by Zach Betten on Unsplash