“Self-comfort numbs us, weakens us, hides us; it can be soporific. But self-care awakens us, strengthens us, and emboldens us to rise.”

—Sarah Bessey

Ever since I read these words from Sarah, in her latest book, Miracles and Other Reasonable Things, they’ve lingered in my mind. So much so that I am sharing them here on the blog for the second time this month. Never have I heard someone so clearly delineate the difference between self-comfort and self-care.

For much of my life, I’ve engaged in self-comfort, while believing self-care was selfish. Only I didn’t realize the damage all my self-comfort was doing. Nor, could I see how healthy the alternative is.

When life was hard, I used to feed my emotions with a big bag of peanut M&M’s. When I was feeling overwhelmed, I’d escape into a good book or binge a TV show. And in social gatherings where there was food, I’d always eat more than I should have—as small talk can make me anxious. (If I’m honest, I still struggle with these last two)

Thankfully though, over the last few years, some life circumstances have changed my way of thinking. Health issues woke me up to the need to care for myself. And I finally realized the better health I’m in, the better I can show up and care for others. I also discovered that self care can take a lot more work and discipline than simply going to the spa, like I talked about last week. 

Self care is how we both maintain and nurture ourselves.

It is the work we do as individuals to make sure we can continue to fulfill our purpose on this earth, for as long as possible. Only, in some seasons, self care can be very difficult. Seasons, like the one that is quickly approaching for all of us. 

In the coming weeks, our schedules will be thrown off by holiday parties, traveling to see family, and last minute shopping. In many ways we will feel like we’ve lost control of our lives—for good or bad. But despite all of this, I don’t believe we need to discard self-care all together until the New Year. 

Yes, we’re going to eat things we don’t normally eat. Yes, we’ll be busier than usual. However, if we choose just a few important routines to maintain throughout the Holidays, I believe we will be better for it. That is why today, I am sharing the three routines that I am choosing to focus on for this season. They may not be for everyone, but it is my hope that it will inspire you to choose three—or even one—of your own to care for yourself in this busy time. Friend, let’s not allow the next two months to go by without caring for ourselves.

Drink lots of water.

Staying hydrated helps our bodies flush out any toxins or junk we take in whether from our travels or our eating. As this article entails, it also does so much more. Drinking water is crucial to keeping every part of our body healthy, and it is a routine that isn’t hard to master. When I can, I take a refillable water bottle with me when I’m going out. And it has become the first thing I reach for when I am thirsty or even craving a snack.

Move my body everyday.

It is so easy to get busy, and forget our bodies need to move. This season, I am taking walks on days I don’t workout. The act of taking even short walk gets our blood flowing, releases endorphins, and helps us come back to our lives refreshed and ready to take on our everyday stresses. 

Limit my screen time.

Spending time on our phones can be a major time-suck. As we enter this busy season, it is going to be tempting to escape into our phones in moments of down time. Because our phones give our brains a faulty sense of relaxation in times of stress, we think they’re helping us. When really, they are straining our eyes, impairing our sleep, and taking us away from real rest or time with our loved ones. Last month, I put parameters on my phone to limit how much time I am spending on social media. Now, those apps shut off when I’ve reached my limit, which makes me spend even less time on them during the day.

How do you need to care for yourself this Holiday Season?

What will help you be your best self for your loved ones?

Do you feel mentally and/or emotionally overloaded by both real life and the approaching Holidays? If so, sign up for my email list and get your FREE copy of my Five Steps to Declutter Your Mind, to help you find clarity and peace this season.