A few years ago, I read the Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. Yes, sometimes I can’t help myself when it comes to YA novels. In the first book, the main character, Tris Prior, has to choose her profession and identity in an elaborate ceremony in front of the entire city. Living in a post-apocalyptic Chicago, Tris has to choose between the five factions that divide the entire population. 

Like taking a virtual reality version of the SAT, prior to the ceremony, Tris and her classmates took a test to tell them which faction would suit them best. Then they had to choose between staying with their biological family in the faction they grew up, or joining the faction they were slated for by the test. 

(Spoiler Alert)

Only, when Tris takes the test, it shows that she could fit into any of the factions. She can’t be defined by the five boxes her society has used to divide people. She is more than what her world says she can be.

So are you.

A number of years ago, when I left my career in ministry, I quickly realized how much our culture bases our identity and worth on what we do for work. As kids we’re all asked “what are you going to be when you grow up?” When we graduate high school or college, it’s “what are you going to do now?” And one of the first questions we ask people we’ve just met is “what do you do?”

Our professions are largely a defining factor in our culture. But, they aren’t all we are or all we can become. Like Tris, whatever we do is only one facet of who we are. This is why, when we feel stuck in a job, we need to be able to know if and when it’s time to make a change. 

On Monday, I shared three reasons not to make a change. Today, I share three warning signs that it is absolutely time to go. Or, at least, it’s time to start planning for it:

There’s no more room to grow.

As I shared recently, I heard someone say, “If you’re not changing, you’re not growing. And if you’re not growing, you’re dead.” Similarly, if you are in a job where your supervisors simply want you to be a full a certain role, and there is no opportunity for growth, it’s time to think about what you need or want to do next. If your job takes up a significant portion of your life, to feel a sense of joy and pride in what you do, you need to be in a place where you can grow.*

Your voice isn’t valued by your boss and/or coworkers.

Your voice matters. Your perspective matters. In fact, chances are you were hired not only for your job experience but also your perspective. Only you can do your job the way you do it. Similarly, you’re the only one in the room with your perspective. If however, when you share your ideas or thoughts in meetings, you are continually ignored, it is time for a change. Either try to find out why you aren’t being heard, or find a job in which your voice matters.**

You no longer want to do what you’re doing.

Many of us reach our mid to late twenties and realize the job we dreamed of in college—the job we now have—isn’t what we thought. Or, at least, it’s no longer what we want. It’s called the Quarter Life Crisis. If you’re in a job that feels like a constant uphill climb to a mountain top you don’t want to visit, it’s time to make a change. Don’t stay for the people you’re afraid of disappointing. Don’t stay because change is scary. Figure out what career can both bring you joy and make a difference in the world. Then, take the steps you need to, to get that job.

Do you feel stuck in a job that no longer fits you?

Is it time for you to make a change? 

*Now, some of us find growth by doing things you can’t make a living off of. If you’re not growing in you position, but you are content in your job because of what it allows you to do outside of work—this may be ok. Just make sure in some area of your life, you are growing.

**Sometimes, we aren’t listened to because we aren’t taking enough time listening to those above or around us. Make sure this isn’t the case before you jump ship.


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